MLOps: Bringing DevOps Practices to Machine Learning

Dimitri Koutsos
The DevOps MBA
Published in
3 min readAug 2, 2023


MLOps: Bringing DevOps Practices to Machine Learning

Machine learning has become an integral part of many technology stacks and products. As organizations adopt ML, they need efficient ways to develop, deploy and manage ML models. This is where MLOps comes in.

MLOps applies DevOps principles and practices to ML projects. The goal is to streamline the entire lifecycle of an ML application — from developing and training models to deploying and monitoring them. Just as DevOps brought order and efficiency to software development and delivery, MLOps brings a systematic approach to managing complex ML pipelines.

Defining MLOps

MLOps stands for ML Operations. It combines ML, DevOps, and data engineering to tackle the challenges of operationalizing ML at scale. Key principles include:

- Infrastructure as code: Manage ML infrastructure programmatically for consistency and reproducibility e.g. Kubernetes, Docker

- CI/CD for ML: Apply continuous integration and deployment to ML models like any software application e.g. Jenkins, GitHub Actions

- Monitoring and observability: Track ML models and data in production to detect drift or performance issues e.g. Grafana, Prometheus

- Automation: Automate repetitive ML tasks like data preprocessing, model training, evaluation etc. e.g. MLflow, Airflow

- Collaboration: Break down silos between data scientists, engineers and business teams

Just as DevOps practices help ship software faster with better quality, MLOps makes it easier to turn ML projects into end-user applications.

The Similarities Between DevOps and MLOps

While MLOps applies DevOps best practices to ML, there are several similarities between the two methodologies:

- Infrastructure as Code: Both rely on infrastructure as code (Terraform, Ansible) for consistent and reproducible environment management.

- Automation: Automating manual tasks (Jenkins, Airflow) improves efficiency in both. MLOps automates ML pipelines while DevOps automates software build/release.

- Monitoring: Observing systems in production (Prometheus, ELK stack) for issues is critical for both DevOps and MLOps.

- Collaboration: Breaking silos and aligning teams is key. MLOps brings data scientists and engineers together while DevOps aligns dev and ops teams.

- Rapid delivery: Both enable faster, incremental delivery of software or ML models.

- Flexibility: DevOps and MLOps value ability to iterate quickly based on user feedback.

The core DevOps principles of communication, collaboration, integration and automation apply just as well to MLOps.

The Differences Between DevOps and MLOps

While there are many parallels between DevOps and MLOps, some key differences exist:

- Change rate: ML models can change much faster than traditional software. New data may require retraining models weekly or daily.

- Data dependence: ML relies heavily on data pipelines. Data issues like bias, drift and quality can require model changes.

- Interpretability: ML models can be black boxes, requiring extra effort to explain or interpret them e.g. LIME, SHAP

- Compliance: ML often needs to comply with regulations around ethics, privacy, security etc. This can constrain development.

- Testing: ML testing is trickier as models have probabilistic outputs. Data leakage, overfitting etc. must be watched out for.

- Monitoring: ML performance metrics differ from software. Data distributions, decision thresholds and technical debt matter more.

While DevOps focuses on speed, stability and architectural best practices, MLOps puts more emphasis on data, monitoring, reproducibility and compliance.

The Future of MLOps

MLOps is still an evolving discipline. Here are some likely developments as it matures:

- Specialized tools: Expect platforms optimized for MLOps workflows, with native support for reproducibility, model monitoring, explainability etc.

- AutoML advancements: Automating rote ML tasks will increase developer productivity e.g. neural architecture search, hyperparameter tuning.

- Standardization: Open standards will emerge around containerizing, benchmarking, auditing and certifying ML models.

- Low-code ML: Making ML more accessible to non-specialists will accelerate mainstream adoption e.g. SageMaker Studio Lab, Azure Machine Learning designer.

- Responsible ML: There will be greater focus on ethics, bias detection, privacy and regulations around ML.

- Cloud dominance: Managed ML services on the cloud will become the norm vs. on-prem environments.

While early days, MLOps adoption is accelerating. Organizations realize they need MLOps to scale and operationalize ML like any first-class product. As data science matures from art to engineering, MLOps will become integral to ML platforms and workflows. The future is bright for this emerging paradigm!

